Board of Corrections of Military Records
Any wrong committed by any branch of the military services can be corrected by the Board of Corrections of Military Records (BCMR). Each service branch has its own dedicated Board of Correction with a unique set of rules and procedures that must be followed. There are also time deadlines for submission of requests for relief as well as things that must be done before the Board will even consider your package. Submitting a package to the Board is your last best chance for relief from unjust command actions. The BCMR can fix ANY wrong! But it takes an attorney experienced in dealing with the BCMR to effectively present your case. The BCMR receives many requests for relief. It is vital to present in a short yet comprehensive package all the reasons you believe you have been wronged and why the relief you request should be granted. I have handled numerous BCMR cases and have that kind of knowledge and experience.